Onpassive: More Than A World-class Start-up

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P A N G E A   #2
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Hello Lanh Dao, You are a member of Pangea #2 Safelist.
Your Username: mmooffice221015 Your Credits: 2840


It's been almost three years since the inception by ONPASSIVE. A little more than a year ago the creation of GoFounders brought with it a community of First-line Leaders now numbering at 50K. For a company in pre-launch to amass a leader-community of such a high number is unheard of. Several months ago, the ONPASSIVE vision was solidified as a far-reaching message to the world with aspirations for benefiting the greater good. In less that sixty days we will publicly launch.

As a Total Internet Solution (TIS), our mission is to create success for the entrepreneur no matter what the area of expertise. In essence, our mission is your vision!

As a start-up ONPASSIVE is absolutely courageous! Its leadership has pushed to expand the start-ups capabilities and moved much faster than expected given the weight of its accomplishments. Its flexibility has been repeatedly demonstrated while developing its revolutionary products and services by incorporating newly available, leading-edge technology on-the-fly. The impressive resolve exhibited by Mr. Mufareh's "Do-it-or-die." mindset trampled all risks while providing an unwavering expectation of extraordinary success that is in keeping with our "In it to win it!" mantra.

Consequently, our success is assured; now we're just looking for people to share it with.

But, if you are a leader that can communicate with your team, I invite you to join as a member of GoFounders and raise your vibration because I want you on my team. It is as simple as that.

Do it… don't do it… It's your life. But you need to check this out. Call or text if you want.

Learn more, become a Founder (97.00) or register free:
These are my videos that talk about ONPASSIVE's roots and what we can expect in the very near future.
See the Video and more:



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ADV 12-31-2019 CentralParkDr Plainfield, IN 46168 Sent by member conversionist03
Maryanne Myers [PHP Programmer - Internet Marketer - Web Designer - Advertising Network Owner]
Owning an online web business since 1998 - for 21 years.
12-31-2019 mmooffice221015 I am not responsible for any claims made by the member email ad or website.

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